Viewing Then And Now: Tiffany Teen A True Horror Show


Sometimes old gorgeous models pop up on the web with their recently taken new pictures, many models age greatly and others not so much. Anyone remember Tiffany Teen aka Robyn Bewersdorf? Who wouldn’t! Millions of people grew up watching this gorgeous blonde model her delicious teen curves for phil-flash’s camera. She was only active for around a year but she is still a popular girl in 2015 that’s how sexy she was.

Well i recently found a up to date picture with Tiffany Teen and oh my god she didn’t age well, take a look at this.

Tiffany Teen Robyn Bewersdorf Year 2015

Some things are just never ment to be seen! Time is a motherfucker that will eventually gets to all of us.

Lets never forget how sexy this bitch once was, damn!


  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow, yeah tiffany didn’t age to well lol!

  2. Anonymous says:

    if you look at her individual features, the allure is still there. she’s just suffering what most of us are suffering from………..middle age spread. she always had a short, chunky body type. one could see this coming.

  3. Anonymous says:

    She looks good Jerker. Go wanking and help youre mom cooking after them. :-D

  4. Anonymous says:

    Not really surprised, to be honest.

    She”s from Naperville, Ill, if memory serves.

    Those girls from that part of the country never age well.

  5. Anonymous says:

    There’s a difference between “not aging well” and “gaining weight”. She settled down, got married, had a kid and put on a few pounds. Age doesn’t do that, laziness and/or apathy does. Her features are all still there and her skin still looks good – if she started working out and dieting like she must have when she were younger, she could easily get her old looks back.

  6. Anonymous says:

    she was a child influenced, exploited, deceived, extremely used, as a child is mislead in a mentality unaware fully what was being done to her. there are a number of pathetic existences and those who put this girl out there and made money profiting from this girl will have their reward. she is a good girl used and exploited beyond belief. i know her and her mentality and this isn’t what she was lead to believe would happen in her life. iowa

  7. Anonymous says:

    Wow looks totally different in the face. Heavier for sure

  8. NinthThrow says:

    Would love to see a comparison of the full body then/now. She’s still pretty, but definitely no longer a teen.

    • The Collector says:

      she was so pretty back then though, time gets to us all… i’ve seen cassandras recent pictures, you can barely tells its her anymore… 3 kids will do that too you, her face is very different (cassandra=blueyedcass,princessblueyez)

      must be difficult having those kinds of looks and get use to that amount of praise and attention only to have it slowly creep away. Hopefully the ladies are doing good, Nikki Sims is the only one who really kept up with her looks, she’s still a hottie!

  9. Anonymous says:

    in this world, every beginning has its end !!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    She is just a lil’ older, with the right light, make up and profi photographer she will still hot looking.

  11. Dropship21 says:

    ….Yeah not gonna lie. I’d still put it in her ass now. I’ve seen other pics with her recently with her husband. Yup still would fuck.

  12. svennfolsom says:

    well, if you are jerking to her in here she is probably better then anything you have now.

  13. BiGDiCKMCoY77 says:

    i don’t KNOW what some are squawking about. NEWS flash to those who still think there are 13 Year Old Boys. Guess What Women Grow Up and They YES DO AGE. unfortunately; some Age Gracefully and other Age Very Badly. if you know anything about women (some of you don’t). the features to look for in a women if she’ll age well are these areas: neck,shoulders,hips / ass, legs and there hands. if you KNOW genetics & human anatomy these are KEY Factors in determine some ones aging process. go research if you dont believe.frankly i don’t give a fuck even if you don’t . cause i know what i’m talking about. further more Robin alway i’m TALKING ALWAYS had fatty deposits around her face & cheeks area and she Was NEVER rail thin. but she wasn’t fat either just that you can see the plumpness in certain spots of her body. and those were always indicators of her age growth projection. its NOT rocket science. look at all the models who retired. i’ll keep saying it examine those features it speaks loudly. another example is AMS Models – Sugar 1, Cutie 1 even when they were preteens there WERE Plumpy Chickens straight off the farm house. you can see it. then when they hit later teen years they Blew Up. even Trixie Got Meaty some what but she joined the Czechen (maybe Russian) Army and well you know the military keep you in shape(Usually) not Always though for some. Lol !

  14. Anonymous says:

    She’s still pretty. She has that smile that is sincere. I bet she is funny as Hell. I bet her pussy is still on point. Most people looking at her are either single or married to an ugly bitch that yhwy can’t stand.


  15. Anonymous says:

    well you posted the best photo you could find, isnt ……….. have seen better more recent ones.

  16. Anonymous says:

    I want to be able to see her entire body from head to toe to make an informed decision on how she aged. I always like her hips, legs and feet. For most women their hips/ass will lose their bubble after their first child which is to be expected. As for the legs and feet, they kinda remain the same so I would really like to see what those parts of her body look like now. I am having a hard time finding any recent photos of hers though, so any tips are welcome.

  17. Brutus85 says:

    Ooooh! It’s like sexy to soccer mom. BUT she still aged better than some!

  18. Anonymous says:

    wowo changed changed a lot what she doing now

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