Viewing Dayana Medina & Alejandra Jimenez Onlyfans Yellow & Blue Lingerie Lesbians HD Video


New lesbian video with Dayana medina and Alejandra Jimenez!

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Dayana Medina and Alejandra Jimenez Onlyfans Yellow and Blue Lingerie Lesbians Video 120923 mp4 Dayana Medina and Alejandra Jimenez Onlyfans Yellow and Blue Lingerie Lesbians Video 120923 mp4 Dayana Medina and Alejandra Jimenez Onlyfans Yellow and Blue Lingerie Lesbians Video 120923 mp4 Dayana Medina and Alejandra Jimenez Onlyfans Yellow and Blue Lingerie Lesbians Video 120923 mp4 Dayana Medina and Alejandra Jimenez Onlyfans Yellow and Blue Lingerie Lesbians Video 120923 mp4

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I see Alejandra has been to the same incompetent Surgeon as Michelle Giraldo.

    • Anonymous says:

      That shit really breaks my heart. She was the last one left of that whole ttl era who still looked natural. Everybody else went to shit (the ones we can see publicly). But thanks to michelle shes trash too now, cause she made her do it. God I hate her so much. Fucking ugly ass retadred hoe, who thinks shes smart cause she founded a lable. Bitch we know who gave you that starter money in the first place and who you have to pay off in order to do your litlle shenanigans. You ain’t nothing but a peasant, hoe.

      • Anonymous says:

        Luisa, Laurita, the Mazos and the Medinas are all still natural. Heidy is too, although she rarely shows her nipples and never her pussy.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except for Heidy everybody you named is trash and has something done. The fucking Mazo and Medina sisters always been like that anyway. They been ugly since they started. And while Heidy still looks kinda good she has the same attitude problem that Michelle has, which is the biggest turn off ever. She thinks if she covers her nipples with her fingers like that she is not a hoe. Yes you are bitch, a big one at that. And then she shows them off finally after 4 years just to cover them again in the next set basically scamming the viewers while at the same time talking down on everybody on IG. Fuck her too.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yeah you sound big mad, lol. The mazos and medina girls look good by the way. Especially dayana and susana.

            • Anonymous says:

              if you into wasted junkie hoes thats up to you. but that still doesnt change the fact that they as plastic as her owner michelle, nor does it change anything else I said.

              • Anonymous says:

                whats plastic about the mazos or medinas??? nothing. Susana and Dayana in particular look pretty much exactly the same. lmao youre wildn for that one.

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