Viewing Broken Link Colors & New Category Added: Graveyard


Due to increase number of files being dead on the site we have decided to have a system that checks for broken links on the site, if you see red links that means they are dead unless we just updated them (script runs every now and again so it might be a couple of hours before links turn green again after re-upload).

This does not mean that we will automatically start restoring files that are dead, you still need to tell us to otherwise there’s no reason for us to do it.

Dead Links Now Red

We have also added a category that we knew we were going to have to add eventually, it’s the graveyard category We will start moving content into this category that has not been popular and is worthless for us to waste our time on. As vip member you can still request re-upload on files in the graveyard but we cannot offer this to regular users, there’s simply not enough time!

In other news, we have been behind on re-upload requests, we are now working on filling those so stay tuned your files will be up and working soon enough.

That’s all for now!


  1. Anonymous says:

    thanks for everything you do this site is amazing!

  2. Roxst4r says:

    yep thanks, good stuff!

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