Hi everyone,
We’ve noticed an massive increase in users reporting that their downloads are failing and not fully completing, i understand this is a massive frustration but unfortunately this is nothing we can help with, TezFiles are the ones hosting the files and the problem can only be resolved by them.
To help push the issue forward and make them understand how serious it is, if you have time please write a report of your download problems to [email protected], the more people who report the issue the more likely they will actually take it seriously (yes we’ve already reported the issue to them).
Please reply in this thread with the answers you are getting from their support so we can gather more understanding and pushing the issue via our contacts at TezFiles, our main priority is having an working solution for people to download.
Thanks for helping out and hopefully the issue will be resolved asap.
Mon, May 27, 10:58 AM (2 days ago)
to me
Sorry for not responding to your email for a long time. Please check again. I see that you are downloading many files at the same time. Could you please download one file at a time?
Kind Regards, Serge
your support team.
ouch, that’s definitely not what you want to hear… as that shouldn’t really affect anything unless you are on a very unstable connection, thanks for letting me see these answers
Downloads aren’t working at ALL for me now.
It won’t even start the Solve ReCaptcha
This is the first time it has happened in 3 years.
what browser are you using?
5:37 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Support
It’s still very slow for me and all of the others at xxxcollection.net. Ive been using the jdownloader like you said and set it up the way you asked me to. Honestly not trying to be difficult but I paid for a year of premium and never had any issues before a few weeks ago reaching my quota in a day within an hour or two. Why should I not still be able to continue to do this? I am not online long enough to get my downloads 1 by 1 at the speeds you are giving. There seems to be an issue on your end not just with xxxcollection but with all of the forums that use you to host. I know at sindesires they are having the same issue as well.
Tez downloads are having trouble for other sites as well, since Saturday. I’ve heard their “download one file at a time” line in the past when they’ve had some issues. I’m sure they’ll get it fixed soon. They usually do.
51 minutes to download 925mb. Topping out at 400kb/sec.
I received an answer to my reply from 5/29
Support Center
6:01 PM (4 hours ago)
to me
We are not yet ready to answer, but we havent forgotten about you and will answer as soon as we can. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Support Center
12:02 AM (54 minutes ago)
to me
We are not yet ready to answer, but we havent forgotten about you and will answer as soon as we can. We apologize for the inconvenience.
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