2 part camshow premiere of Sherri Chanels “nearly nude club” shows which to me is worse than her elite club shows because she eventually strips down to “same level of nudity” on her elite shows but on the elite shows she also wears a sexy outfit which to me is more interesting than her naked in handbra for 1 hour.
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yes, and as long as the simps and cucks keep buying this crap she will never need to start showing her “goods”, she needs to end the handbra for a start.
What I don’t understand is why most of her sets are vip here. Plenty of whores here with lots of free naked shit and this dumb slut is all vip non nude. Wtf? Does she have a contract with this site or something?
My guess is she(or those looking out for her) is quick to order takedowns of any site sharing her stuff. By going VIP, it is not visible to public or searches.