Viewing Laurita Vellas OnlyFans Updates Pack 003


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  1. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      She knows she is not another Michelle nor another Britney, or any other skank full of silicone, ink and a deformed face. She is taking pictures with a cheap cell phone, no filters, no makeup whatsoever, and yet, she manages to look fine.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yeah but 35 for 10-15 secs.. Needs to be longer.

  3. Anonymous says:

    i offered the collector the 4min vid from the screenshots but he hasnt contacted me back yet i had to talk her down to 140 from 200 fucking crazy

  4. BiGDiCKMCoY77 says:

    i say i’m NOT going to knock her hustle, however you hav’t look at the stakes: almost all the other girls either have Tattoos, Bodily Enhancement Injections(claims by people,don’t think its true but then again wouldn’t be surprised if they did hav Body Modifications) some stayed the same figure, others gained be clear Weight Gain is Not a sin nor a Bad Thing. too many project a “little Boy’s” mentality towards women’s bodies & beauty. just being honest here. anyway its ALL About A Good Healthy Balance of everything thats going on. soo weight gain can harm – hurt some while others it might actually bring more of a ” Teen Milf ” or ” Whatever Fantasy Woman ” men are attracted to. no for everyone’s FYI: these women hail from South America where Voluptuously-Curvy-Big Boned-Big Breasts-Big Buttocks is the “Normal” over a man who’s been in relationships & married to a South American Latina. I know This All To Very Well. My Friends.

    – Cheers !

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